The quality of dairy products can be affected if proper hygienic measures are not taken in manufacturing and storage conditions. #milkhygiene #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashupalan
Delhi, India | Oct 11, 2023
dept_of_ahd status mark
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Milk is highly perishable, susceptible to microbial contamination, and undergoes physical and chemical (ie. PH) changes, impacting its freshness and safety.
#milkhygiene #Milk #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhusbandry
Milk is highly perishable, susceptible to microbial contamination, and undergoes physical and chemical (ie. PH) changes, impacting its freshness and safety. #milkhygiene #Milk #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 12, 2023
दूध निकालने से पूर्व पशुओं के निवास स्थान को नियमित रूप से साफ करना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, ताकि कीटाणुओं और विषाणुओं का प्रसार न हो।
#MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #animalhusbandry #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock
दूध निकालने से पूर्व पशुओं के निवास स्थान को नियमित रूप से साफ करना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, ताकि कीटाणुओं और विषाणुओं का प्रसार न हो। #MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #animalhusbandry #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 21, 2023
When processing milk, it is essential to maintain hygiene. Therefore, the equipment's surface should be free from dents, pits, rough spots, and cracks. Additionally, it must be non-toxic, non-corrosive, and non-staining. #MilkHygiene
When processing milk, it is essential to maintain hygiene. Therefore, the equipment's surface should be free from dents, pits, rough spots, and cracks. Additionally, it must be non-toxic, non-corrosive, and non-staining. #MilkHygiene
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 21, 2023
The prerequisite for production of a high-quality product is the cleaning area and sanitization of the plant.
#MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashup
The prerequisite for production of a high-quality product is the cleaning area and sanitization of the plant. #MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashup
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 22, 2023
Improper hygiene practices while handling dairy products impact the quality and taste of these goods.
#milkhygiene #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashupalan
Improper hygiene practices while handling dairy products impact the quality and taste of these goods. #milkhygiene #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashupalan
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 12, 2023
स्वच्छ दुग्ध उत्पादन #MilkHygiene
स्वच्छ दुग्ध उत्पादन #MilkHygiene
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Nov 4, 2023
Persons working in Dairy plants should be educated on hygienic handling of milk and milk products. They should wear washable clean clothes, gloves, and caps.
#MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #animalhusbandry
Persons working in Dairy plants should be educated on hygienic handling of milk and milk products. They should wear washable clean clothes, gloves, and caps. #MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 20, 2023
दूध दुहने से पूर्व पशुपालकों ने अपने हाथ स्वच्छ रखने चाहिए। साथ ही संक्रमित रोग से पीड़ित होने पर दूध दुहने से बचना चाहिए।
#MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock
दूध दुहने से पूर्व पशुपालकों ने अपने हाथ स्वच्छ रखने चाहिए। साथ ही संक्रमित रोग से पीड़ित होने पर दूध दुहने से बचना चाहिए। #MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Nov 2, 2023
दूध की गुणवत्ता बेहतर बनाने के लिए दूध दोहन प्रक्रिया के पहले पशुओं की सफाई महत्वपूर्ण है।

#MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry
दूध की गुणवत्ता बेहतर बनाने के लिए दूध दोहन प्रक्रिया के पहले पशुओं की सफाई महत्वपूर्ण है। #MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 19, 2023
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