Building a Goat House: Elevate for flood protection, maintain dry floors, and prioritize light, air, and temperature control. #LivestockCare #essentialtips #goats #animalwelfare
Delhi, India | May 10, 2024
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🐐 Segregation of a sick goat is the quickest way to curb the spread of PPR, otherwise called as Goat Plague, at your farm.

#AnimalHealth #AnimalWealth #GoatCare #Goats #AnimalHusbandry
🐐 Segregation of a sick goat is the quickest way to curb the spread of PPR, otherwise called as Goat Plague, at your farm. #AnimalHealth #AnimalWealth #GoatCare #Goats #AnimalHusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Aug 8, 2023
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