Unlocking Productivity: Technology's Role in Livestock Germplasm Improvement with the 1962 App. #bharatpashudhan #livestock #nationaldigitallivestockmission #digitalindia
Delhi, India | Mar 16, 2024
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Bharat Pashudhan: Navigating the Digital Frontier in Livestock Management - Drawing Lessons from India's Livestock Sector.  #bharatpashudhan #livestock #digitalindia #nationaldigitallivestockmission
Bharat Pashudhan: Navigating the Digital Frontier in Livestock Management - Drawing Lessons from India's Livestock Sector. #bharatpashudhan #livestock #digitalindia #nationaldigitallivestockmission
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Delhi, India | Mar 17, 2024
Enhance your Livestock farming journey with 1962 Farmer’s  App! and tap into government schemes and subsidies.
Unlock the full potential of available support systems and maximize your gains today!
#BharatPashudhan #GovernmentSchemes
Enhance your Livestock farming journey with 1962 Farmer’s App! and tap into government schemes and subsidies. Unlock the full potential of available support systems and maximize your gains today! #BharatPashudhan #GovernmentSchemes
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Delhi, India | Jul 15, 2024
1962 Innovation for Livestock Farmers: Exploring the Mobile App
#bharatpashudhan #livestock #digitalindia #nationaldigitallivestockmission
1962 Innovation for Livestock Farmers: Exploring the Mobile App #bharatpashudhan #livestock #digitalindia #nationaldigitallivestockmission
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Mar 18, 2024
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