एक बकरी की कीमत 40 हजार, भेड़-बकरी का बिजनेस करने वाले युवा किसान से मिलिए #farming #sheepfarming
Parliament Street, New Delhi | Apr 15, 2024
krishijagran status mark
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In the rugged terrain of mountainous regions, sheep reign supreme, providing not just wool and meat, but also a sense of security for farmers. 
In the rugged terrain of mountainous regions, sheep reign supreme, providing not just wool and meat, but also a sense of security for farmers. #SheepFarming
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jul 19, 2024
Sheep are a cornerstone of rural economies, offering income streams for small farmers. Let's recognize their invaluable contribution!
#Livelihood #SheepFarming
Sheep are a cornerstone of rural economies, offering income streams for small farmers. Let's recognize their invaluable contribution! #Livelihood #SheepFarming
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jul 12, 2024
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