Sex Sorted Semen Subsidy Ensuring Assured Pregnancy: Avail a subsidy of Rs 425 per straw for sex sorted semen, ensuring up to 2 AI for assured pregnancy. #LivestockBreeding #DairyFarming
Delhi, India | Aug 8, 2024
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Track Freshness: Label and Date Your Milk Containers! 
Ensure quality and rotation by marking containers with the date and time of milking.
#Worldfoodsafetyday #DairyFarming #quality #WOAH
Track Freshness: Label and Date Your Milk Containers! Ensure quality and rotation by marking containers with the date and time of milking. #Worldfoodsafetyday #DairyFarming #quality #WOAH
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jun 7, 2024
Facing the Unforeseen: Strategies and Tactics for Successfully Managing Unexpected Food Safety Challenges with Vigilance
#Worldfoodsafetyda #DairyFarming #animalhusbandry #WOAH
Facing the Unforeseen: Strategies and Tactics for Successfully Managing Unexpected Food Safety Challenges with Vigilance #Worldfoodsafetyda #DairyFarming #animalhusbandry #WOAH
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jun 7, 2024
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