श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान, माननीय केंद्रीय कृषि एवं किसान कल्याण मंत्री ने आज कृषि भवन, नई दिल्ली में एआईएफ ब्याज सबवेंशन पोर्टल का शुभारंभ करते हुए इसके महत्वों को रेखांकित किया। #agrigoi #AIF #agriinfrafund #CGTMSE
Delhi, India | Jun 28, 2024
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Agriculture Infrastructure Fund
Under the scheme, banks and financial institutions will provide 1 Lakh Crore as loans with #interestsubvention of 3% per annum & credit guarantee coverage under #CGTMSE for loans up to 2 crore.
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Under the scheme, banks and financial institutions will provide 1 Lakh Crore as loans with #interestsubvention of 3% per annum & credit guarantee coverage under #CGTMSE for loans up to 2 crore.
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Maharashtra, India | Oct 8, 2022
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