By using the #BIS Care app and following these simple steps, consumers can verify the "Unique Registration Number" under the #CRS standard mark.
Delhi, India | Jan 28, 2023
jagograhakjago status mark
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Share your answers with us in the comment section below. We will share the answers soon.

Share your answers with us in the comment section below. We will share the answers soon. #BIS
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Feb 24, 2023
To ensure the safety of your family, make sure to check for BIS certification on toys meant for children up to 14 years of age.

#BIS #BISCertification #Toys #Kids #consumerprotection
To ensure the safety of your family, make sure to check for BIS certification on toys meant for children up to 14 years of age. #BIS #BISCertification #Toys #Kids #consumerprotection
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Nov 11, 2023
The primary objective of BIS Standard Clubs is to create awareness about the importance of quality standards and to encourage their adoption and implementation.

#standardclub #BIS
The primary objective of BIS Standard Clubs is to create awareness about the importance of quality standards and to encourage their adoption and implementation. #standardclub #BIS
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 13, 2023
#Hallmark ensures the authentication of gold jewellery. 
#Hallmark ensures the authentication of gold jewellery. #BIS
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Feb 1, 2023
सोने के आभूषण खरीदते समय हॉलमार्क की जांच ज़रूर करें। #BIS #Hallmark
सोने के आभूषण खरीदते समय हॉलमार्क की जांच ज़रूर करें। #BIS #Hallmark
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Jan 31, 2023
Celebrate the festive season responsibly by opting for #BIS certified LED lights to adorn your home. Lighting chains should undergo #BISRegistration to be eligible for sale in the #IndianMarket.
Celebrate the festive season responsibly by opting for #BIS certified LED lights to adorn your home. Lighting chains should undergo #BISRegistration to be eligible for sale in the #IndianMarket.
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Nov 11, 2023
Put your Consumer Affairs IQ to the Test with this KBJ QUIZ.
Leave your answer in the comment section.
#kaunbanegajagruk #jagograhakjago #BIS #CRSMark #ConsumerAwareness
Put your Consumer Affairs IQ to the Test with this KBJ QUIZ. Leave your answer in the comment section. #kaunbanegajagruk #jagograhakjago #BIS #CRSMark #ConsumerAwareness
jagograhakjago status mark
Maharashtra, India | Nov 14, 2023
इस दीपावली, अपनी खरीददारी को और भी खास बनाएं! गहनों पर तीन logo जरूर देखें - BIS Logo, Six Digit Alphanumeric HUID Code और कैरेट शुद्धता, जो आपके गहनों की शुद्धता सुनिश्चित करते हैं।
#Diwali #jewellery #hallmark #BIS #jagograhakjago
इस दीपावली, अपनी खरीददारी को और भी खास बनाएं! गहनों पर तीन logo जरूर देखें - BIS Logo, Six Digit Alphanumeric HUID Code और कैरेट शुद्धता, जो आपके गहनों की शुद्धता सुनिश्चित करते हैं। #Diwali #jewellery #hallmark #BIS #jagograhakjago
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Nov 10, 2023
Illuminate your celebrations with BIS-certified LED bulbs, where joy meets safety. Brighten up the festive season responsibly. 
#FestivalSafety #BISMark #BIS #ConsumerProtection
Illuminate your celebrations with BIS-certified LED bulbs, where joy meets safety. Brighten up the festive season responsibly. #FestivalSafety #BISMark #BIS #ConsumerProtection
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Nov 12, 2023
#BIS certification is a quality assurance process that ensures that packaged drinking water meets certain standards for purity and safety. A water bottle that is certified by BIS under IS 14543:2016 is considered to be safe and pure for dri
#BIS certification is a quality assurance process that ensures that packaged drinking water meets certain standards for purity and safety. A water bottle that is certified by BIS under IS 14543:2016 is considered to be safe and pure for dri
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Jan 28, 2023
Find the Jumble Words and become a 'well-informed' Consumer! Share your answer in the comments section!
#BIS #iso
Find the Jumble Words and become a 'well-informed' Consumer! Share your answer in the comments section! #BIS #iso
jagograhakjago status mark
Maharashtra, India | Nov 2, 2023
BIS #Hallmark guarantees that the gold jewellery meets certain standards for purity, and it is a legal requirement for gold jewellery sold in India to be #BIS hallmarked.
BIS #Hallmark guarantees that the gold jewellery meets certain standards for purity, and it is a legal requirement for gold jewellery sold in India to be #BIS hallmarked.
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Jan 31, 2023
Use the BIS CARE APP to verify your gold jewellery's hallmark and ensure its authenticity and quality.

Use the BIS CARE APP to verify your gold jewellery's hallmark and ensure its authenticity and quality. #BIS
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Feb 28, 2023
#BIS certifies sewing machines to IS 15449: PART 1:2004, which is the Indian standard for the safety and performance of household and similar sewing machines. These machines are tested to ensure they meet certain safety and performance stan
#BIS certifies sewing machines to IS 15449: PART 1:2004, which is the Indian standard for the safety and performance of household and similar sewing machines. These machines are tested to ensure they meet certain safety and performance stan
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Jan 28, 2023
#BIS initiated the #Hallmarking scheme with the primary objectives of protecting consumers against fraudulent practices related to gold quality and to obligate manufacturers to maintain legal standards of fineness.
#BIS initiated the #Hallmarking scheme with the primary objectives of protecting consumers against fraudulent practices related to gold quality and to obligate manufacturers to maintain legal standards of fineness.
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Apr 19, 2023
Using a #BIS certified gas stove for use with liquified petroleum gases (LPG) as per 
IS 4246:2020 can help ensure safe and efficient operation in your kitchen.  #ISI
Using a #BIS certified gas stove for use with liquified petroleum gases (LPG) as per IS 4246:2020 can help ensure safe and efficient operation in your kitchen. #ISI
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Jan 28, 2023
You can verify the authenticity of ISI marked products by using the "Verify License Details" feature available on the BIS Care app.

You can verify the authenticity of ISI marked products by using the "Verify License Details" feature available on the BIS Care app. #BIS
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Mar 15, 2023
इन त्योहारों के अवसर पर अपनों को रखें सुरक्षित।कोई भी खरीदारी करने से पहले  Products पर #BIS, #CRS, #HallMark के निशान जरूर चेक करें।

 #JagoGrahakJago #Consumer #consumeraffairs #CRSmark #ISI #Hallmark #BIS
इन त्योहारों के अवसर पर अपनों को रखें सुरक्षित।कोई भी खरीदारी करने से पहले Products पर #BIS, #CRS, #HallMark के निशान जरूर चेक करें। #JagoGrahakJago #Consumer #consumeraffairs #CRSmark #ISI #Hallmark #BIS
jagograhakjago status mark
Maharashtra, India | Nov 13, 2023
BIS द्वारा देश भर के स्कूलों और कॉलेजों में 6467 मानक क्लब स्थापित किए गए हैं। यह दूरदर्शी पहल न केवल गुणता और मानकों को बढ़ावा देती है, बल्कि युवा पीढ़ी को जिम्मेदार और गुणता के प्रति जागरूक नागरिक बनने के लिए सशक्त करती है।

BIS द्वारा देश भर के स्कूलों और कॉलेजों में 6467 मानक क्लब स्थापित किए गए हैं। यह दूरदर्शी पहल न केवल गुणता और मानकों को बढ़ावा देती है, बल्कि युवा पीढ़ी को जिम्मेदार और गुणता के प्रति जागरूक नागरिक बनने के लिए सशक्त करती है। #BIS
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 20, 2023
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