🐶 Bitten by a dog? Act fast: Wash the wound with soap and water for 15 mins. Head to the hospital immediately for post-bite rabies vaccination. 💉🏥 Quick action is key – it's often too late once symptoms appear. Stay safe! #WorldRabiesDay
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
dept_of_ahd status mark
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बेसहारा और पालतू  श्वान का टीकाकरण,रेबीज को फैलने से रोकता है.
#worldrabiesday #allfor1onehealthforall #rabiesvaccination
#animalhealth #animalhusbandry
बेसहारा और पालतू श्वान का टीकाकरण,रेबीज को फैलने से रोकता है. #worldrabiesday #allfor1onehealthforall #rabiesvaccination #ProtectFromRabies #animalhealth #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
Concerned about rabies in dogs? Check out the infographic for signs of a rabid dog. 🐕🚫 #WorldRabiesDay #EraseRabies #OneHealth #OneHealthIndia
Concerned about rabies in dogs? Check out the infographic for signs of a rabid dog. 🐕🚫 #WorldRabiesDay #EraseRabies #OneHealth #OneHealthIndia
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
🐾 Empowering the future on #WorldRabiesDay, September 28th! Let's educate kids to lead the charge against rabies. Together, we can #EraseRabies. Join us in spreading awareness! 🌍👧🧒 #EmpowerKidsEraseRabies #OneHealth #OneHelathIndia
🐾 Empowering the future on #WorldRabiesDay, September 28th! Let's educate kids to lead the charge against rabies. Together, we can #EraseRabies. Join us in spreading awareness! 🌍👧🧒 #EmpowerKidsEraseRabies #OneHealth #OneHelathIndia
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
On #WorldRabiesDay, let's spread awareness about vaccines, to build a #Rabies-free world. #KnowAboutRabies #ProtectFromRabies
#allfor1onehealthforall #rabiesvaccination #animalhealth #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
रेबीज़ एक जानलेवा बीमारी है, जो संक्रमित कुत्ते, बिल्ली आदि जानवरों के काटने से होती है। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप और आपका परिवार रेबीज़ से सुरक्षित रहें।
रेबीज़ एक जानलेवा बीमारी है, जो संक्रमित कुत्ते, बिल्ली आदि जानवरों के काटने से होती है। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप और आपका परिवार रेबीज़ से सुरक्षित रहें। #WorldRabiesDay #HealthForAll
rajadhurve2019 status mark
Betul Nagar, Betul | Sep 27, 2022
On this World Rabies Day, let us unite in the fight against this preventable disease. Raise awareness to vaccinate against rabies and protect everyone #WorldRabiesDay #allfor1onehealthforall #rabiesvaccination #animalhealth #animalhusbandry
On this World Rabies Day, let us unite in the fight against this preventable disease. Raise awareness to vaccinate against rabies and protect everyone #WorldRabiesDay #allfor1onehealthforall #rabiesvaccination #animalhealth #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
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