Concerned about rabies in dogs? Check out the infographic for signs of a rabid dog. 🐕🚫 #WorldRabiesDay #EraseRabies #OneHealth #OneHealthIndia
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
dept_of_ahd status mark
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🐾 Empowering the future on #WorldRabiesDay, September 28th! Let's educate kids to lead the charge against rabies. Together, we can #EraseRabies. Join us in spreading awareness! 🌍👧🧒 #EmpowerKidsEraseRabies #OneHealth #OneHelathIndia
🐾 Empowering the future on #WorldRabiesDay, September 28th! Let's educate kids to lead the charge against rabies. Together, we can #EraseRabies. Join us in spreading awareness! 🌍👧🧒 #EmpowerKidsEraseRabies #OneHealth #OneHelathIndia
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
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