Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now! Dogs & cats: 1st dose at 3 months, subsequent yearly. #preventrabies #VaccinateNow
Delhi, India | May 9, 2024
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Keep the peace: Avoid direct eye contact with dogs to prevent bites. #DogSafety #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Keep the peace: Avoid direct eye contact with dogs to prevent bites. #DogSafety #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 14, 2024
Prioritize your pet's safety and well-being! 
Ensure they're protected by vaccinating them against Rabies every year. 
#PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Prioritize your pet's safety and well-being! Ensure they're protected by vaccinating them against Rabies every year. #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 2, 2024
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now! 
PREVENT DOG BITES, STOP RABIES: Stay still if approached by an unknown dog, don't run. #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now! PREVENT DOG BITES, STOP RABIES: Stay still if approached by an unknown dog, don't run. #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 9, 2024
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now:  For your pet's safety, it's the vow. Before adopting a new furry friend, Check their rabies vaccination history too! 
#RabiesAwareness #PetSafety #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now: For your pet's safety, it's the vow. Before adopting a new furry friend, Check their rabies vaccination history too! #RabiesAwareness #PetSafety #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 3, 2024
Protect your loved ones from Rabies. Vaccinate your pet now to prevent this deadly disease. Remember, Rabies is 100% fatal, but 100% preventable with vaccination. #PreventRabies #VaccinateNow
Protect your loved ones from Rabies. Vaccinate your pet now to prevent this deadly disease. Remember, Rabies is 100% fatal, but 100% preventable with vaccination. #PreventRabies #VaccinateNow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 1, 2024
Who is the inventor of rabies vaccine?
#PreventRabies #VaccinateNow
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Who is the inventor of rabies vaccine? #PreventRabies #VaccinateNow Participate: ✅ Comment your answer below ✅ Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,
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Delhi, India | May 11, 2024
When is World Rabies Day celebrated to honor the death anniversary of Dr. Louis Pasteur? 
#PreventRabies #VaccinateNow
Participate:✅ Comment your answer below
When is World Rabies Day celebrated to honor the death anniversary of Dr. Louis Pasteur? #PreventRabies #VaccinateNow Participate: ✅ Comment your answer below
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 14, 2024
Stay still, eyes down, and slowly step back to avoid dog bites. 
#DogSafety #avoiddogbites #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Stay still, eyes down, and slowly step back to avoid dog bites. #DogSafety #avoiddogbites #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 10, 2024
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