Protecting pups, one shot at a time! Let's ensure every dog receives their vaccination to stop rabies in its tracks. #VaccinateToEndRabies #PreventRabies #spreadawareness
Delhi, India | May 7, 2024
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Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now! 
Dogs & cats: 1st dose at 3 months, subsequent yearly. 
#preventrabies #VaccinateNow
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now! Dogs & cats: 1st dose at 3 months, subsequent yearly. #preventrabies #VaccinateNow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 9, 2024
Keep the peace: Avoid direct eye contact with dogs to prevent bites. #DogSafety #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Keep the peace: Avoid direct eye contact with dogs to prevent bites. #DogSafety #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 14, 2024
Stay vigilant against rabies! 
Don't ignore any animal bite or scratch, even if it seems minor. Take every bite seriously and seek medical attention promptly. Prevention starts with awareness. #PreventRabies #StayVigilant
Stay vigilant against rabies! Don't ignore any animal bite or scratch, even if it seems minor. Take every bite seriously and seek medical attention promptly. Prevention starts with awareness. #PreventRabies #StayVigilant
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 5, 2024
Prioritize your pet's safety and well-being! 
Ensure they're protected by vaccinating them against Rabies every year. 
#PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Prioritize your pet's safety and well-being! Ensure they're protected by vaccinating them against Rabies every year. #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 2, 2024
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now! 
PREVENT DOG BITES, STOP RABIES: Stay still if approached by an unknown dog, don't run. #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now! PREVENT DOG BITES, STOP RABIES: Stay still if approached by an unknown dog, don't run. #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 9, 2024
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now:  For your pet's safety, it's the vow. Before adopting a new furry friend, Check their rabies vaccination history too! 
#RabiesAwareness #PetSafety #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Prevent Rabies, Vaccinate Now: For your pet's safety, it's the vow. Before adopting a new furry friend, Check their rabies vaccination history too! #RabiesAwareness #PetSafety #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 3, 2024
Protect your loved ones from Rabies. Vaccinate your pet now to prevent this deadly disease. Remember, Rabies is 100% fatal, but 100% preventable with vaccination. #PreventRabies #VaccinateNow
Protect your loved ones from Rabies. Vaccinate your pet now to prevent this deadly disease. Remember, Rabies is 100% fatal, but 100% preventable with vaccination. #PreventRabies #VaccinateNow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 1, 2024
Who is the inventor of rabies vaccine?
#PreventRabies #VaccinateNow
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Who is the inventor of rabies vaccine? #PreventRabies #VaccinateNow Participate: ✅ Comment your answer below ✅ Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn,
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Delhi, India | May 11, 2024
When is World Rabies Day celebrated to honor the death anniversary of Dr. Louis Pasteur? 
#PreventRabies #VaccinateNow
Participate:✅ Comment your answer below
When is World Rabies Day celebrated to honor the death anniversary of Dr. Louis Pasteur? #PreventRabies #VaccinateNow Participate: ✅ Comment your answer below
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 14, 2024
Stay still, eyes down, and slowly step back to avoid dog bites. 
#DogSafety #avoiddogbites #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
Stay still, eyes down, and slowly step back to avoid dog bites. #DogSafety #avoiddogbites #PreventRabies #vaccinatenow
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 10, 2024
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