प्रोटीन और आयरन से भरपुर 1 मुट्ठी चना सेहत का खजाना हैI भीगे चने को अपने रोजाना की दिनचर्या में जरूर शामिल करें। #tastysnack #Chana #tastygram #healthylifestyle
Delhi, India | Aug 11, 2023
jagograhakjago status mark
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Satisfy your cravings with the delicious and nutritious roasted chana packed with protein and flavour!

#tastygram #tastysnack #snacktime #healthyeating #healthyhabits
Satisfy your cravings with the delicious and nutritious roasted chana packed with protein and flavour! #tastygram #tastysnack #snacktime #healthyeating #healthyhabits
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 11, 2023
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