Sheep: The Unrivalled MVPs of Rural Economies! From Wool to Meat, Milk to Skins, They're the Lifeline for Farmers in Arid and Mountainous Regions. #sheep #animalhusbandry #Trending
Delhi, India | Jul 18, 2024
dept_of_ahd status mark
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In the heart of arid lands, sheep thrive, offering sustenance and livelihoods to countless farmers and shepherds. Let's celebrate their multi-faceted utility! #SheepRearing #sheep #livestockcare
In the heart of arid lands, sheep thrive, offering sustenance and livelihoods to countless farmers and shepherds. Let's celebrate their multi-faceted utility! #SheepRearing #sheep #livestockcare
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jul 16, 2024
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