Uttar Pradesh leads the way in meat production! Contributing a significant 12.20% to the nation's total output, the state plays a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of the country's meat industry. #meatproduction #meatindustry
Delhi, India | Jan 18, 2024
dept_of_ahd status mark
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Sikkim sets a remarkable record in meat production! Achieving an astounding annual growth rate of 63.08%, the state stands as a beacon of success in the meat industry.
#SikkimMeatProduction #meatindustry #atmanirbharpashupalak
Sikkim sets a remarkable record in meat production! Achieving an astounding annual growth rate of 63.08%, the state stands as a beacon of success in the meat industry. #SikkimMeatProduction #meatindustry #atmanirbharpashupalak
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jan 14, 2024
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