Furious rabies causes behavioral change amongst dogs. be alert, be safe! Stay connected to #KnowAboutRabies #Rabies #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashupalan
Delhi, India | Sep 22, 2023
dept_of_ahd status mark
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Paralytic rabies causes weakness and paralysis in dogs. Be more caring towards your pet! 

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#KnowAboutRabies #RabiesAwareness #Rabies
#AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #anima
Paralytic rabies causes weakness and paralysis in dogs. Be more caring towards your pet!  Stay connected to #KnowAboutRabies #RabiesAwareness #Rabies #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #anima
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 22, 2023
Vaccinate your pet….Stay connected to #knowAboutRabies
#Rabies #RabiesAwareness
#AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashupalan
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 21, 2023
Stay Safe, Prevent Rabies
Rabies is a fatal viral infection caused by an infected dog bite!
Stay connected to #KnowAboutRabies
#RabiesAwareness #Rabies
#AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #anima
Stay Safe, Prevent Rabies Rabies is a fatal viral infection caused by an infected dog bite! Stay connected to #KnowAboutRabies #RabiesAwareness #Rabies #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #anima
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 21, 2023
Rabies Symptoms in animals are loss of appetite, barking or mowing differently, and drooling excessively.  Stay Safe, Prevent Rabies!
#KnowAboutRabies #rabies #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusband
Rabies Symptoms in animals are loss of appetite, barking or mowing differently, and drooling excessively. Stay Safe, Prevent Rabies! #KnowAboutRabies #rabies #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusband
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 23, 2023
On #WorldRabiesDay, let's spread awareness about vaccines, to build a #Rabies-free world. #KnowAboutRabies #ProtectFromRabies
#allfor1onehealthforall #rabiesvaccination #animalhealth #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 28, 2023
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