Ensure the quality and traceability of your hallmarked gold jewellery with 6-digit HUID Codes. #hallmarked
Delhi, India | May 2, 2023
jagograhakjago status mark
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Share your answers with us in the comment section below. We will share the answers soon.

Share your answers with us in the comment section below. We will share the answers soon. #Hallmarked
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Feb 21, 2023
सोने के आभूषण सुंदरता के प्रतीक होते हैं। 
आपको गुणवत्ता और शुद्धता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए केवल हॉलमार्क वाले सोने के आभूषण ही खरीदने चाहिए।

#hallmarked #goldjewellery #purity #indianstandards
सोने के आभूषण सुंदरता के प्रतीक होते हैं। आपको गुणवत्ता और शुद्धता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए केवल हॉलमार्क वाले सोने के आभूषण ही खरीदने चाहिए। #hallmarked #goldjewellery #purity #indianstandards
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Jul 18, 2023
Sale of gold jewellery and gold artefacts hallmarked without a six-digit alphanumeric HUID — unique identification number — shall not be permitted from April 1st, 2023

Sale of gold jewellery and gold artefacts hallmarked without a six-digit alphanumeric HUID — unique identification number — shall not be permitted from April 1st, 2023 #hallmarked
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Mar 13, 2023
From April 1st, 2023, buy #Hallmarked Gold Jewellery with confidence - 6-digit HUID code now mandatory 🔐✨ 
From April 1st, 2023, buy #Hallmarked Gold Jewellery with confidence - 6-digit HUID code now mandatory 🔐✨ #ShineAssured
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Mar 30, 2023
The BIS CARE APP provides a "Verify HUID" feature that enables consumers to check the authenticity of hallmarked gold jewellery by using its unique HUID number.

The BIS CARE APP provides a "Verify HUID" feature that enables consumers to check the authenticity of hallmarked gold jewellery by using its unique HUID number. #hallmarked
jagograhakjago status mark
Delhi, India | Apr 22, 2023
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