The participants had a great interaction with the #stakeholders during their field trip to the KKV Narayangaon Mango Orchard on the third day of the #APPPCWorkshop on the System Approach for Management of #fruitflies on #Mango, held today.
Maharashtra, India | Jun 21, 2023
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MoA&FW, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & storage & Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission, IPPC (FAO) is organizing "#APPPCWorkshop on Systems Approach for Management of #FruitFlies on #Mango" at Select Exotica,Navi Mumbai
MoA&FW, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & storage & Asia Pacific Plant Protection Commission, IPPC (FAO) is organizing "#APPPCWorkshop on Systems Approach for Management of #FruitFlies on #Mango" at Select Exotica,Navi Mumbai
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Maharashtra, India | Jun 19, 2023
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