WHO ने कोरोना से 7 गुना अधिक महामारी आने का अनुमान जताया #WHO #coronavacsine #diseases #medicalnegligence #kannauj
Kannauj, Kannauj | Sep 26, 2023
singhabhay969 status mark
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How do Zoonotic disease are transmitting to Human Beings ?
Stay Alert !
Stay Safe !
#diseases #ZoonoticDiseases #AnimalHumanTransmission #animalhusbandry
How do Zoonotic disease are transmitting to Human Beings ? Stay Alert ! Stay Safe ! #diseases #ZoonoticDiseases #AnimalHumanTransmission #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 2, 2023
Don't let PPR be a cause of concern for your livestock's health !
#animaldisease #diseases #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashupalan
Don't let PPR be a cause of concern for your livestock's health ! #animaldisease #diseases #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashupalan
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Sep 20, 2023
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