Strengthening Livestock Genetics: Government Investment Enhances Semen Stations and Breeding Farms for Improved Livestock Genetic Diversity. #National_livestock_Mission #breeding
Delhi, India | Feb 27, 2024
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Empowering Livestock Entrepreneurs:
A 50% Capital Subsidy Boosts Breeding Ventures in Equine and Camelid Species under the #National_Livestock_Mission.
Empowering Livestock Entrepreneurs: A 50% Capital Subsidy Boosts Breeding Ventures in Equine and Camelid Species under the #National_Livestock_Mission. #breeding
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Feb 25, 2024
Unlocking the Genetic Blueprint: Enhancing Animal Well-being through Responsible Breeding. #animalwelfare #LivestockCare #animalcare #animalhusbandry #breeding
Unlocking the Genetic Blueprint: Enhancing Animal Well-being through Responsible Breeding. #animalwelfare #LivestockCare #animalcare #animalhusbandry #breeding
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Apr 17, 2024
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