The calcium in eggs is concentrated in the yolk. The yolk is the yellow or orange part of the egg, and it contains a variety of essential nutrients, including calcium. #WorldEggDay #Eggcellent #animalhusbandry
Delhi, India | Oct 13, 2023
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पोल्ट्री क्षेत्र में पशुपालकों के आत्मनिर्भरता की तरफ बढ़ते कदम : विश्व स्तर पर भारत अंडा उत्पादन में तीसरे स्थान पर है

#WorldEggDay #Eggcellent #animalhusbandry
पोल्ट्री क्षेत्र में पशुपालकों के आत्मनिर्भरता की तरफ बढ़ते कदम : विश्व स्तर पर भारत अंडा उत्पादन में तीसरे स्थान पर है #WorldEggDay #Eggcellent #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 13, 2023
Eggs are a rich source of nutrients, and their nutritional composition can slightly vary based on factors such as the egg's size and the way it is prepared.
#WorldEggDay #Eggcellent #animalhusbandry
Eggs are a rich source of nutrients, and their nutritional composition can slightly vary based on factors such as the egg's size and the way it is prepared. #WorldEggDay #Eggcellent #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 13, 2023
CPDO (NR), Chandigarh, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAH&D), Government of India, celebrated "World Egg Day 2023" on October 13, 2023, at the premises of the Central Poultry Development Organisation in Chandigarh #worldeggday
CPDO (NR), Chandigarh, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAH&D), Government of India, celebrated "World Egg Day 2023" on October 13, 2023, at the premises of the Central Poultry Development Organisation in Chandigarh #worldeggday
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 13, 2023
Celebrating the incredible, versatile, and universally loved egg on World Egg Day! 🍳🌎 #WorldEggDay #Eggcellent #animalhusbandry
Celebrating the incredible, versatile, and universally loved egg on World Egg Day! 🍳🌎 #WorldEggDay #Eggcellent #animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 13, 2023
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