"Nurturing Heritage, Enhancing Yield: A Journey towards Indigenous Bovine Development and Milk Productivity 🐄🥛 #RGM #BovineConservation #MilkProductivity #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp
Delhi, India | Sep 1, 2023
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Rashtriya Gokul Mission: Empowering Farmers, Enriching Breeds. 
Introducing Breed Multiplication Farms to supercharge our agriculture! Supporting private entrepreneurs in cattle and buffalo breeding, driving innovation and growth.
Rashtriya Gokul Mission: Empowering Farmers, Enriching Breeds. Introducing Breed Multiplication Farms to supercharge our agriculture! Supporting private entrepreneurs in cattle and buffalo breeding, driving innovation and growth. #RGM #AHD
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Dec 1, 2023
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