The application deadline for the #NationalGopalRatnaAwards has been extended to 15th October 🗓 Apply NOW 👉 #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashup
Delhi, India | Oct 2, 2023
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The prerequisite for production of a high-quality product is the cleaning area and sanitization of the plant.
#MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashup
The prerequisite for production of a high-quality product is the cleaning area and sanitization of the plant. #MilkHygiene #CleanMilk #HygienicDairy #AatmnirbharBharat #aatmnirbharahd #ahelp #animalhealth #livestock #animalhusbandry #Pashup
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Oct 22, 2023
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