1 सितम्बर से 7 सितम्बर के बीच जिले के सभी ब्लॉकों में मातृ वन्दना सप्ताह मनाया जाएगा। #PMMVY
Balrampur, Balrampur | Aug 29, 2021
puneettripathi3 status mark
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Explained the importance of motherhood, benefited pregnant women.
Under #PMMVY.
Explained the importance of motherhood, benefited pregnant women. Under #PMMVY.
pibwcd status mark
Delhi, India | May 11, 2023
Maternal Health Services #PHSC #PHFWD #MCH #SUMAN #AMB #LaQshya #PMMVY #JSY #JSSK #MMR #PMSMA  #HighRiskPregnancy #ASHA
drpmsingh status mark
Hoshiarpur, Hoshiarpur | Dec 21, 2022
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