Millets-the ancient grain is rebranded as 'Nutri-Cereals' by the GoI to ensure India's food & nutritional security. As we gear up for the #InternationalYearofMillets2023, let's try our hands on yummy #milletrecipes packed with health.
Maharashtra, India | Sep 23, 2022
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Let this #Navratri be celebrated with Vrat special healthy & yummy #MilletRecipes. The auspicious occasion is characterized by the indigenous fasting cuisine. Here is the Recipe of the Day.
Let this #Navratri be celebrated with Vrat special healthy & yummy #MilletRecipes. The auspicious occasion is characterized by the indigenous fasting cuisine. Here is the Recipe of the Day.
agrigoi status mark
Maharashtra, India | Sep 26, 2022
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