Major highlights of Union Budget 2023-24 related to MSMEs. #AmritKaalBudget #AmritMahotsav #MSME #MSMEs #budget2023
Delhi, India | Feb 2, 2023
momsme status mark
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The new credit guarantee scheme for MSMEs, easier access to working capital, and a network of quality testing labs will immensely support the dairy and livestock processing industries.
#MSMEs #DairyIndustry #LivestockProcessing #Budget2024
The new credit guarantee scheme for MSMEs, easier access to working capital, and a network of quality testing labs will immensely support the dairy and livestock processing industries. #MSMEs #DairyIndustry #LivestockProcessing #Budget2024
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jul 23, 2024
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