Cool coats and comfy cuts: Keep your pets comfortable in the heat with regular grooming practices, including trimming long fur and brushing out mats to promote airflow and prevent overheating. #heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth
Delhi, India | May 13, 2024
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Heat stress hits hard: Livestock suffer reduced productivity and health complications, risking farm profits and animal well-being.
#heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth #animalwellness #beattheheat2024
Heat stress hits hard: Livestock suffer reduced productivity and health complications, risking farm profits and animal well-being. #heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth #animalwellness #beattheheat2024
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 2, 2024
Scorching Consequences: Exploring the Health Ramifications of Heat Stress on Livestock.
#HeatStressAwareness #LivestockHealth #AnimalWellness #beattheheat
Scorching Consequences: Exploring the Health Ramifications of Heat Stress on Livestock. #HeatStressAwareness #LivestockHealth #AnimalWellness #beattheheat
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Apr 30, 2024
Shelter from the swelter: Create a haven for your pets with shaded outdoor areas and access to a cool, well-ventilated indoor space during peak heat hours.
#heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth #animalwellness #beattheheat2024 #petcare
Shelter from the swelter: Create a haven for your pets with shaded outdoor areas and access to a cool, well-ventilated indoor space during peak heat hours. #heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth #animalwellness #beattheheat2024 #petcare
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 7, 2024
Beat the heat with hydration: Keep your pets cool and refreshed by offering plenty of fresh water and adding ice cubes to their bowl for an extra chill during hot summer days. #heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth #beattheheat
Beat the heat with hydration: Keep your pets cool and refreshed by offering plenty of fresh water and adding ice cubes to their bowl for an extra chill during hot summer days. #heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth #beattheheat
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 4, 2024
Stay safe in the sun: Protect your pets from heat exhaustion by limiting outdoor activities to cooler times of the day and checking pavement temperature before walks to prevent burnt paws.
#heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth
Stay safe in the sun: Protect your pets from heat exhaustion by limiting outdoor activities to cooler times of the day and checking pavement temperature before walks to prevent burnt paws. #heatstressawareness #LivestockHealth
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 6, 2024
A vigilant eye can save lives! 
Watch for signs of heat stress in your pets—excessive panting, lethargy, or rapid heartbeat. Early detection can make all the difference. #heatstressawareness #petcare #BeatTheHeat
A vigilant eye can save lives! Watch for signs of heat stress in your pets—excessive panting, lethargy, or rapid heartbeat. Early detection can make all the difference. #heatstressawareness #petcare #BeatTheHeat
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | May 14, 2024
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