India achieves a total meat production of 9.77 million tonnes in the year 2022-23, reflecting the nation's significant contribution to the global meat industry. #meatproduction #GlobalRanking
Delhi, India | Jan 6, 2024
dept_of_ahd status mark
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India secures the 5th position globally in total meat production, underscoring its substantial role in the international meat industry landscape.
#MeatProduction #GlobalRanking
India secures the 5th position globally in total meat production, underscoring its substantial role in the international meat industry landscape. #MeatProduction #GlobalRanking
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jan 6, 2024
Meat production witnesses a significant upswing, growing by 5.13% compared to the previous year (2021-22), indicating a positive trend in the industry. 
#MeatProduction #GlobalRanking
Meat production witnesses a significant upswing, growing by 5.13% compared to the previous year (2021-22), indicating a positive trend in the industry. #MeatProduction #GlobalRanking
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jan 10, 2024
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