Keep Milk Safe: Separate and Clean! Use stainless steel containers, washed before use, to avoid cross-contamination with other foods. #Worldfoodsafetyday #FreshnessFirst #FarmToProcessing
Delhi, India | Jun 7, 2024
dept_of_ahd status mark
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Swift Transport for Freshness: Get Milk to Processing ASAP!  Minimize the time between milking and processing to preserve freshness and quality.
#Worldfoodsafetyday #FreshnessFirst #FarmToProcessing #QualityDairy
Swift Transport for Freshness: Get Milk to Processing ASAP! Minimize the time between milking and processing to preserve freshness and quality. #Worldfoodsafetyday #FreshnessFirst #FarmToProcessing #QualityDairy
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jun 7, 2024
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