The Conference of Parties (COP -27) of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is held from November 6 - 18, 2022 at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. #COP27 #Egypt #SharmElSheikh #UN #UNFCCC #saveearth #nature #gogreen
Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur | Nov 7, 2022
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Well done India...... United we stand, divided we fall. YPA stands together with Government of India and is contributing towards climate conservation. 
#saveclimate #COP27 #Egypt  #India #LTS #carbonemission #UNFCCC #UN #Conference
Well done India...... United we stand, divided we fall. YPA stands together with Government of India and is contributing towards climate conservation. #saveclimate #COP27 #Egypt #India #LTS #carbonemission #UNFCCC #UN #Conference
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Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur | Nov 17, 2022
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