The milk production of India has registered over 60.53 percent increase from 137.7 million tonnes in 2013-14 to 221.1 million tonnes in 2021-22. 🐄📈🥛 #DairyGrowth #IndiaRising #Nationalmilkday #Animalhusbandry
Delhi, India | Nov 24, 2023
dept_of_ahd status mark
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Pouring Success: A 3.83% Surge in Milk Production Signals Remarkable Growth Over the Previous Year! 
#MooovingForward #DairyGrowth #Animalhusbandry
Pouring Success: A 3.83% Surge in Milk Production Signals Remarkable Growth Over the Previous Year! #MooovingForward #DairyGrowth #Animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Dec 14, 2023
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