Check for starch in milk with an iodine test! A blue color means starch is present. Try using a tincture of iodine for a natural twist! #FoodSafety #MilkTesting #DIYScience #PureMilk #worldFoodSafetyday
Delhi, India | Jun 6, 2024
dept_of_ahd status mark
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Test for urea in milk with the DMAB test!

Mix 1 ml of milk with 1 ml of DMAB reagent. A yellow color means urea is present.

#FoodSafety #MilkTesting #DIYScience #PureMilk
Test for urea in milk with the DMAB test! Mix 1 ml of milk with 1 ml of DMAB reagent. A yellow color means urea is present. #FoodSafety #MilkTesting #DIYScience #PureMilk
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jun 6, 2024
Test milk for water adulteration at home!
Dive Into Purity with a Homemade Lactometer.
#worldFoodSafetyday #MilkTesting #DIYScience #PureMilk
Test milk for water adulteration at home! Dive Into Purity with a Homemade Lactometer. #worldFoodSafetyday #MilkTesting #DIYScience #PureMilk
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jun 6, 2024
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