Ensuring comfort and safety: Providing shelters equipped to combat heat stress with proper disease prevention measures for a healthier community. #ComfortAndSafety #HealthyCommunity #HeatStressRelief #AnimalRightsweek
Delhi, India | Jun 19, 2024
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Animals should be free to express normal behavior, which includes sufficient space, proper facilities, and the company of the animal's kind. 
#AnimalRights #NormalBehaviour #DeptofAnimalHusbandry #animalrightsweek
Animals should be free to express normal behavior, which includes sufficient space, proper facilities, and the company of the animal's kind. #AnimalRights #NormalBehaviour #DeptofAnimalHusbandry #animalrightsweek
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Jun 21, 2024
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