मात्र 7 मिनट के अंदर Hantech Drone करता है एक एकड़ खेत में कीटनाशक का छिड़काव #Drone #AgriDrone #agriculture #farmers
Parliament Street, New Delhi | Mar 28, 2022
krishijagran status mark
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NRFMTTI, Hisar is conducting Drone Pilot Training in collaboration with Wow Go Green & signed an MoU with the same for #RPTO w.e.f. 29.12.2023. The RPTO at NRFMTTI provides training on #AgriDrone for Remote Pilot Certificate.
NRFMTTI, Hisar is conducting Drone Pilot Training in collaboration with Wow Go Green & signed an MoU with the same for #RPTO w.e.f. 29.12.2023. The RPTO at NRFMTTI provides training on #AgriDrone for Remote Pilot Certificate.
agrigoi status mark
Haryana, India | Jan 29, 2024
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