Let’s raise awareness and promote responsible antibiotic use to ensure a healthier future for all ! #AMRAwareness #LivestockHealth #WAAW #Animalhusbandry
Delhi, India | Nov 23, 2023
dept_of_ahd status mark
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Safeguarding our future: Ensuring responsible use of chemicals in fodder crops and vigilant monitoring of MRLs in animal feed, with a focus on food animals to combat AMR.
#AMRAwareness #AntibioticResistance #Animalhusbandry
Safeguarding our future: Ensuring responsible use of chemicals in fodder crops and vigilant monitoring of MRLs in animal feed, with a focus on food animals to combat AMR. #AMRAwareness #AntibioticResistance #Animalhusbandry
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Nov 24, 2023
Addressing AMR through judicious antibiotic use in human sectors, coupled with scientifically sound disposal of human waste. Special attention to burial grounds for a resilient and sustainable future.
#AMRAwareness #AntibioticResistance
Addressing AMR through judicious antibiotic use in human sectors, coupled with scientifically sound disposal of human waste. Special attention to burial grounds for a resilient and sustainable future. #AMRAwareness #AntibioticResistance
dept_of_ahd status mark
Delhi, India | Nov 23, 2023
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